Best way to download Youtube Videos using Termux - Devil | Termux Hacking


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Today we are going to find out a way to download any Youtube video using Termux and from now you can delete third-party apps like Vidmate, Videoder, Instube and many others to download Youtube videos which takes a lot of space and loaded with ads.

What is Termux-YTD ?

Termux-YTD is a tool using which you can easily able to download any Youtube video with your Termux app in different resolutions. Now you can remove video convertor, video to audio convertor, youtube video downloader like shitty apps. 

Termux is very powerfull tool as it uses for hacking and at the same time we can use it for fun also. 

Checkout these awesome posts: 

Facebook Information Gathering 

Hide Message Inside Audio

Netflix Account Cracking

We are going to discuss 2 methods here, MY-MUSIC and Youtube-dl

How to download Youtube video using Termux


It is loaded with lot of features you can do with your Youtube video.

2. Youtube-dl

It is only for downloading video, it has more commands, just follow which I am explaining to you and you easily to go after complete installation it is much easy to download any Youtube Video in One-Click.

Note: I made this post only for educational purpose, each and every content of this website is for knowledge and for ethical purpose. We are not responsible for any illegal activity. 

Well, download Youtube video using termux I don't think is illegal. So, come back to our main purpose of downloading Youtube video using termux application.

My-Music download youtube videos in Termux



Just follow below commands carefully :

Tool name : MY-MUSIC

Required Device


You have to download Termux from their official page HERE or you can download it also from Playstore.

Command To follow :

$ pkg update && pkg upgrade

Update and Upgrade your Termux app after just Installation

$ pkg install git

This command is used to download MY-MUSIC github project from github.

$ git clone

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$ ls

$ chmod +x *

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Now open new termianl by sliding left to right in your screen.

$ termux-setup-storage

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This command is used to access internal storage of your smartphone through termux. Now your all Youtube video download directly to your phone storage.

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click on 'ALLOW' to give access.

Now again go back to your previous terminal

$ bash my-musicinst

After complete setup, press Enter to Continue, now it completed successfully.

Best way to download Youtube Videos using Termux - Devil | Termux Hacking

Your installing starts now.

Best way to download Youtube Videos using Termux - Devil | Termux Hacking

$ mm

Above command is used to start your My-Music, You have following options to do with your video:

0 - Quit/Exit

1 - Video + Audio

2 - Video Only

3 - Audio Only

4 - Cut And Save

5 - Cut And Save Audio Only

6 - File Convertor

Cool you have lot of options to do with your Video. It is such a amazing tool which help us from installing other useless apps which are design to do few things only.

I am showing you how to download youtube video using termux, for that select option 2 (other options try by yourself as much as you try more good is for you)

After selecting option 2, Enter your Youtube link

Now select resolution of your Video, 144 (low quality), 240, 360, 480, 720, 108 (high quality)

Here I am selecting 144 resolution for my Youtube video to download with Termux

Now Enter Tag with no space, I am using my name Devil, press Enter key.

Now your video start downloading

After complete download you can see your video in your Mobile internal storage in MY-MUSIC folder.

How to Install Youtube-dl in Termux

2. Youtube-dl

Let do it in another way like a real programmer.

It is one of the coolest way to download Youtube video with Termux without doing anything like above, select resolution, name and pasting link. 

Here we just share Youtube video with termux and it automatically start downloading your video. 

Let's start this cool method

$ apt update && apt upgrade

$ termux-setup-storage

This command is to give termux access to your device internal storage.

$ packages install python

This command is for installing python.

$ pip install youtube-dl

Here we are installing Youtube-dl.

$ mkdir /data/data/com.termux/files/home/storage/shared/Youtube

By this above command you are going to tell it where to save your all videos. Basically it making a folder to store your download videos.

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$ mkdir -p ~/.config/youtube-dl

Now we are creating a config files and adding rules in it.

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$ apt-get install nano

This command is for installing nano text editor.

$ nano ~/.config/youtube-dl/config

Now for adding rules we have to open our config file, for that we use above command.


-o /data/data/com.termux/files/home/storage/shared/Youtube/%(title)s.%(ext)s
-f "best[height<=480]"

[You can replace 480 with 360, 720, or 1080 for video resolution quality. if you want to download audio only, replace best[height<=480] with 140, so that it just reads -f 140]
Copy above whole code and paste it to your opened file. After copying save that file using "CTRL+X" key. 
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Type 'Y' to save.

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Now enter name of your file by default it's name is so long so I changed it to smaller name, you can see in image.

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Now it asked for confirmation, press 'Y' and hit Enter.

$ mkdir ~/bin

Now we are back to our terminal, just enter above command.

$ cd ~/bin

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$ nano termux-url-opener

Now you know from this command our editor is going to open, here we are going to enter below text. 

youtube-dl $1

Copy above text and paste it to your editor and Save it.

How to use Youtube-dl in Termux

Now, open your Youtube app, select any video share it to your Termux by clicking on share option which comes when your click on 3 dots on any video. After sharing it to termux your video starting downloading. 

You can see your downloaded video in internal storage of your smartphone.

Learn Basic Termux Commands


Now we are done with our 2 methods both are working methods. If you are beginner in this field of hacking or in Termux app try both tools and other tools available on this website and practice as much as you can. 

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Errors or issue reasons

  • Data connection problem 
  • Spellings mistake
  • Big letters using in commands 
  • Giving more space b/w words 

Ignore :-


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If you face any type of problem regarding installation of Tools or in using it, Comment below !!!

It's my pleasure to help you😊 !!

Soon I am uploading more termux tools ✌

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Any specific termux tools ?? )

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